Schum & Werner, municipal law attorneys in Spencerport, NY, acts as counsel for private individuals, businesses and corporations, and real estate developers, with legal matters pertaining to governmental entities. Our attorneys assist clients in Monroe County and Ontario County with a myriad of legal services pertaining to municipal law.
Small Business Regulations
If you are a new business owner, your municipality may require various permits and licenses in order to establish and continue to do business within the town boundaries. Small businesses are often the heart and soul of a community and we are dedicated to insuring that you and your business get off to a good start and provide the legal counsel you may need throughout the life of your business.
Land Use Planning and Zoning
Planning and zoning requires extensive knowledge of local, state and administrative codes, statutes and regulations. We regularly represent and appear before governmental bodies on behalf of municipalities, builders, developers and individuals regarding all aspects of land use development. Services include:
Site Plan and Subdivision Approval
Zoning and Rezoning
Special-Use Permits
Formation and Extension of Improvement Districts
Easements and Variances
Ensuring Compliance with State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)
Our attorneys have experience representing townships in Monroe and Orleans Counties. Over the years, we’ve acquired a deep knowledge of federal and state laws, are familiar with local court systems, and have developed solid connections with many local communities.
We can also assist with ensuring that a municipality’s overall operations comply with local, state, and federal laws. Some of the issues that our attorneys can assist with are real estate and zoning matters, labor and employment issues, tax assessments, the municipality’s police power, contract negotiation, drafting and amending local laws, assistance with Wind and Solar Energy issues, and much more.